German Phrase of the Day
This is something I will now say when people ask me where I'm from.
"Ich erhebe mich wie eine gewaltige Erektion aus den provinziellen Staubflusen des Los Angeles Elendsviertels."
"I soar like a mighty erection out of the provincial dust-river of the Los Angeles slums."
Adapted from here, the cutting edge of German rock.
In other news, nine months down here in Germany, two more to go. Psychologically, I'm already done.
Also, a photo. I didn't come to Germany to work, I came here to live. And look how Sammy's living!!!

In case you can't tell, this is me getting my groove on. Or performing fellatio. One or the other.
"Ich erhebe mich wie eine gewaltige Erektion aus den provinziellen Staubflusen des Los Angeles Elendsviertels."
"I soar like a mighty erection out of the provincial dust-river of the Los Angeles slums."
Adapted from here, the cutting edge of German rock.
In other news, nine months down here in Germany, two more to go. Psychologically, I'm already done.
Also, a photo. I didn't come to Germany to work, I came here to live. And look how Sammy's living!!!

In case you can't tell, this is me getting my groove on. Or performing fellatio. One or the other.
i'm putting my money on fellatio
The smart money always is.
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