Tuesday, October 19, 2010

to be loved

so patrick and i are coming to portland for christmas. patrick is hosting a u of washington professor who is also a reed alum while he's on sabbatical, which is weird.

all sorts of good shit is going on but i'm still freaking out because i have roughly 450 hours of lab work to do in the next 3 months. i can do up to 4 hours of lab work a day (quality drops so precipitously after this that it's really a hindrance to try to work beyond it). i can't get into the lab on weekends. that means i can do 20 hours of lab work/week. which means i need about 23 weeks to finish my lab work. this is many more weeks than are in 3 months.

also: lots of other blah blah shit to do: mailing things, faxing things, signing this.

distractions: organizing a special session at a conference, preparing a new lecture, plotting my escape back to the PNW (90% chance i will do field work in vancouver next summer which could potentially lead to a post-doc), planning my first snow-boarding trip EVER. constantly torn between my desire to be the best and be recognized and be loved and my desire to do jack shit and read funny internets and show people how much fun i can be (spending all night drinking at conferences, anyone?) so i can be loved...

i've been "working from home" a lot these days. which i suppose is an awesome concept if it were actually real.

did you guys know that this thing called TELEVISION existed? this last summer, we got super-obsessed with lost, which i knew would happen and i fought it but you can only fight so long. but lost is over, so now we're searching for a replacement show. preferably one that is written intelligently, has some sci-fi elements, had a long run on tv (so we can watch show after show and not run out of material in the near future).

JONNY!!!! did you know peter russell is retiring?!!!! i guess it shouldn't be too surprising, but somehow it is. the only contact i had with him was answering his quantitative question on the junior qual.

i wear all the right clothes, but they don't fit right. why does that girl over there (that one, right THERE) look so awesome in her leather jacket and i still look like an awkward 13 year old? i can never get clean enough, even when i scrub and scrub all day.

i obviously need to post here more as this has just become a long rambling screed about absolutely nothing interesting. alright: pull it together, get more coherent, conquer the world! but first, sleep. it's 1:30 in the morning where i am.

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Blogger Jesse said...

sometimes i catch a glimpse of myself in a window as i walk by, and i'm sickened by how STUPID i look. i'll get real excited about how genius the army pants scene is for a few WEEKS at a time, and then it'll come crashing down when i realize i look like a homeless skater moron. and then i look at my other pants, and i get depressed because it's all the same shit i've had for years and none of them are as comfortable as the army pants. maybe i need some NEW (army) PANTS.

also: saw jackass 3d last night. that was inspirational as all hell. those dudes are aging GRACEFULLY, otherfucker. (that was supposed to be 'motherfucker' but i like how it turned out.)

(i feel like i talk about army pants too much. i can tell by how easily my fingers type out the letters. army pants. it feels almost as natural as typing out my fucking e-mail password. i am a one-trick otherfucker.)

i live in the present.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Jesse said...

wait, what about x-files? you could watch those. there are PLENTY of them.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Jonny said...

liz, liz, vancouver is the promised land, we will meet you there.

also the kitchen table joke was very funny i laughed a lot

i find myself wanting to wear army pants and combat boots. i suspect this is due to jesse advertising them and insinuating them into my consciousness.

4:31 PM  
Blogger l said...

i want to wear army pants too, but it's too fucking cold here to wear the army pants they make for girls. i need some real fucking army pants. one of those pairs made out of wool.

leather pants are really popular here, even in the general population. i'm not even joking.

glad you liked the kitchen table thing, but seriously, who are all these people?

also: yes, x-files! i must be a fucking moron to have not thought of this myself. though i have to say the few episodes i watched before completely scared the shit out of me. then again, lost was pretty good at scaring the shit out of me too.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Jonny said...

i don't know why but i copy pasted something i saw elsewhere and in come like 3 strangers to offer advice. i guess since i lifted the post it came with some extras? cool i guess

4:58 PM  

House of Goodness........

The Great King's children ought to live today not as paupers,
but as princes and princesses and be a blessing to all whose lives they touch.

A child of God is a truly happy person because he has a Father who has an eternal home which is full of good things to meet his every need. So God's children abound in all the things that they enjoy from their Father's house. They have privileges in their Father's home and there is a great inheritance kept for them. They have access to all that is there in Heaven through their Lord Jesus Christ. Even while they are here on earth, they have the privilege of being seated in the Heavenly places and are blessed with all the blessings of the Heavenly places. As soon as a person accepts the Lord Jesus as savior and Lord, he or she has direct access to the Father's house and can start enjoying all the blessings of Heaven. They can have the joy of the Lord which becomes their strength. They imbibe into all the power that is theirs through the Holy Spirit. They are strengthened by the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God's royal priesthood, His children go to His house, the Holy Temple, to offer sacrifices of praise to the Father. When we thus appropriate and enjoy all the good things which are kept for us in the House of the Lord, our life becomes one of excitement, thrill, contentment and expectancy. Our life becomes a life of perennial praise, singing, worship and intimate fellowship with God. It is a life of close walk with the Lord into the depths of the character and beauty of God and to get lost in the wonder and awe of this great God with whom we dwell. We are under His wings and kept under His shadow. We are protected from the evil forces in this world which is going to be destroyed. It certainly is a great privilege to know this God who is our Father and to live for His glory here on earth as if we are living in Heaven.

3:17 AM  
Blogger Jesse said...

oh my godness!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Kraneia said...

Could be worse.

The last time I went to buy jeans I ended up with size 16H. in Boys.

Folks, I'm 35, and female.

I have short legs and no ass, apparently


1:54 PM  
Blogger Mark de Zabaleta said...

Vancouver is fantastic. Excellent blog.

Mark de Zabaleta

5:20 AM  

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