Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Okay, last post for awhile, I promise.

But I just found this fucking hilarious (again, this may only be me here--and that's right, I said "fucking"--What? Do Something): Larry Summers' half-eaten bread role on ebay. It went for 12 bucks. Here's the description:
It was eaten by Larry Summers. What? You don't know who Larry Summers is? Get out of the cave that you're living in, dude. Larry Summers is kind of a big deal. He owns many leather-bound books. His apartment smells of rich mahogany...Recently, Larry was the President of Harvard University until his abrupt resignation recently in the face of faculty opposition. Simply put, Larry is a man's man's man... I bet it even has his saliva on it.
So, new business idea? This is right up there with another ebay auction featuring an autographed Bible.


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