Tuesday, October 09, 2007

sex bang wasted hair

living the dying dream like it's the last thing going. last week strip club date rape mercedes airport cigarettes, trail mix and folded arms. yesterday rock show back pocket everclear drummer's tequila revenge one headlight don't blink don't blink dnt blnk, free hamburger and tall techno gents. a smoke-filled world of measurements and musicians, drugs and black boots. go to work in the morning, drink soda/coffee, skip lunch in favor of the telephone and the cancer. make cookies, eat cereal, spaz out to early bright eyes. text IS romance.

i make like i'm not staying but i get winded easily. i make each stare blank, each glance incidental, each phrase empty. the shell of an aspiring burnout, yr concern sets me on fire. i impress myself with this repitition. christ.

so, i'm at work right now, you know, working. um. oh god.


Blogger Jonny said...

so, i'm at work right now, you know, working. um. oh god.

12:37 PM  

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